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Eli Vocabulary in Pictures A1-A2

  • Cycle 1
  • Cycle 2
  • Cycle 3
  • Niveau secondaire 2

ELI Vocabulary in Pictures is a new vibrant and user-friendly resource designed to make learning basic English vocabulary engaging and enjoyable for young learners.

  • Thematic Scenes: 45 engaging and colourful scenes cover everyday topics, helping students learn vocabulary in context which makes learning new words intuitive and fun.
  • Extensive Word List: over 1000 words, including nouns, adjectives, verbs, and prepositions, to build a strong vocabulary foundation which supports young learners at the beginning stages of language acquisition.
  • Easy Reference: an alphabetical index of all words for quick and easy lookup to find and review specific vocabulary items.
  • Audio recordings of all words and digital activities for each situation.
  • Audio recordings of dialogues based on the illustrated topics.
  • Interactive Activities: fun online activities for each scene to reinforce learning and vocabulary retention through interactive practice.
  • A complete alphabetical index of the words.
  • Digital Dictionary with interactive games: Words and pictures, Happy listening! The correct picture, The correct word.
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CHF 25.20
  • Exemplaire Ex.

CHF 21.40
  • Exemplaire Ex.
Offre / Langue