The Coursebook is organised in two parts:
Theory and Practice of Catering
- 8 Modules covering hospitality, catering, restaurant staff, kitchen and equipment, food and cooking methods, food conservation, menus, food safety, drinks and serving techniques.
- Variety of text types from descriptive texts to authentic and adapted articles, from recipes to interviews.
- Careful grading of topics, grammar and vocabulary: A Taste of Language.
- Thorough development of the 4 language skills.
- Extensive use of photographs to ensure understanding of the more technical aspects of English for catering.
- Preparation for Cambridge Preliminary (PET) and First (FCE) examinations.
Culinary Culture
- 5 Dossiers present aspects of English-speaking countries linked to aspects of the hospitality industry.
- Geography, culinary habits, society, food blogs and government institutions. Excellent! concludes with a useful photo-glossary of foodstuffs, drinks, bartending tools, dinner service and weights, measurements and temperature conversion charts.