Premiers pas avec Léo et Théo - Livre de l'élève Premiers Pas avec Léo et Théo permet aux élèves de faire la connaissance de deux jumeaux très sympathiques et de leurs amis Ahmed, Isabelle...
Premiers pas avec Léo et Théo - Guide pédagogique guide les enseignants dans un voyage créatif à la fois flexible et personnalisabledonne des idées, des suggestions pour exploiter les cours...
Mots en images Images et paroles est une collection de 240 cartes mémoire, d’un côté l’image de l’autre la mot correspondant écrit en français. Les cartes...
Mon premier dictionnaire illustré de français - La maison Jouer avec les premiers mots de la langue étudiée afin de les mémoriser de façon efficace et de les réemployer dans des contextes communica...
Mon premier dictionnaire illustré de français - A l'école Jouer avec les premiers mots de la langue étudiée afin de les mémoriser de façon efficace et de les réemployer dans des contextes communica...
Mon premier dictionnaire illustré de français - La ville Jouer avec les premiers mots de la langue étudiée afin de les mémoriser de façon efficace et de les réemployer dans des contextes communica...
Mon premier dictionnaire illustré de français - Les vacances Jouer avec les premiers mots de la langue étudiée afin de les mémoriser de façon efficace et de les réemployer dans des contextes communica...
Eli Vocabulaire illustré + Livre numérique en ligne Le Eli Vocabulaire illustré pour les jeunes apprenants de niveau A1-A2 offre plus de 1.000 mots répertoriés par thématiques et magnifiqueme...
Words in Pictures Words in Pictures is a set of 240 illustrated cards and include an instruction booklet with numerous suggestions and interesting teaching t...
My First English Picture Dictionary - At School A series of 4 themed picture dictionaries for Primary School children that introduce and practise words through fun activities. Each volume...
Eli Vocabulary in Pictures + Digital activities online Colourful, up-to-date and easy to use, the ELI Vocabulary in pictures is the ideal tool for learning or revising basic English vocabulary. ...
Aesop's Fables A lion trapped in a net and an ant in a puddle.Who will rescue them and so gain a new friend?These are two stories from the Aesop’s Fables ...
Hans Christian Andersen's Stories These are two of Hans Christian Andersen's mots popular stories. In The Ugly Duckling, the farmyard animals reject a little duck because he...
Martha and the Woolly Rhino Martha the mammoth and her prehistoric animal friends are playinghappily together in the wood when Martha discovers ababy woolly rhino call...
Martha and the Tiger Party Tessa is a very active sabre-toothed tiger! When she finds out there is a tiger birthday party, she is very excited and ready to go straigh...
Smart Start 1 - Student Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 1 - Activity Book + Audio-CD Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 1 - Teacher's Guide + Audio-CD + DVD Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 1 - Teacher's Digital Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 1 - Flashcards Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 1 - Poster Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Student Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Activity Book + Audio-CD Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Teacher's Guide + Audio- CD + DVD Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Teacher's Digital Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Literacy Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Numeracy Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Flashcards Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Poster Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Student Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Activity Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Teacher's Guide + Audio-CD + DVD Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Teacher's Digital Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Literacy Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Numeracy Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Flashcards Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Poster Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Immagini e parole Le schede illustrate - offrono un supporto visivo per introdurre nuovi vocaboli e forniscono lo stimolo per numerose attività di memorizzaz...
Il mio primo dizionario illustrato d'italiano - In vacanza 4 aree lessicali:- La casa;- La scuola;- La città;- In vacanza.8 argomenti illustrati da completare e personalizzare con adesivi e figure d...
Il mio primo dizionario illustrato d'italiano - La scuola 4 aree lessicali:- La casa;- La scuola;- La città;- In vacanza.8 argomenti illustrati da completare e personalizzare con adesivi e figure d...
Il mio primo dizionario illustrato d'italiano - La casa 4 aree lessicali:- La casa;- La scuola;- La città;- In vacanza.8 argomenti illustrati da completare e personalizzare con adesivi e figure d...
Il mio primo dizionario illustrato d'italiano - La città 4 aree lessicali:- La casa;- La scuola;- La città;- In vacanza.8 argomenti illustrati da completare e personalizzare con adesivi e figure d...
Imágenes y palabras Imágenes y palabras es una colección de 240 fichas ilustradas, cada una de las cuales presenta una imagen por un lado y su respectiva palab...
Mi primer diccionario ilustrado de español - De vacaciones Cada libro presenta un tema diferente, el cual se desarrolla a través de 8 desplegables ilustrados. Dos niños guían la lectura mientras se ...
Mi primer diccionario ilustrado de español - El colegio Cada libro presenta un tema diferente, el cual se desarrolla a través de 8 desplegables ilustrados. Dos niños guían la lectura mientras se ...
Mi primer diccionario ilustrado de español - La casa Cada libro presenta un tema diferente, el cual se desarrolla a través de 8 desplegables ilustrados. Dos niños guían la lectura mientras se ...
Mi primer diccionario ilustrado de español - La ciudad Cada libro presenta un tema diferente, el cual se desarrolla a través de 8 desplegables ilustrados. Dos niños guían la lectura mientras se ...
Eli Vocabulario ilustrado + Libro digital en linea El Vocabulario Ilustrado ELI, para jóvenes estudiantes de nivel A1/A2, propone más de 1.000 palabras divididas en campos temáticos y repres...