The debate is open! The Debate is open! is a set of 75 cards to use in class for conversation between students at B1 language level. The main aim of this mater...
Five-cards stories Five-card stories is a card game featuring 40 stories, each composed of 5 illustrated cards without text. These are short, funny, and enter...
Full stop Full Stop is a card game designed to help players learn how to construct complete and correct sentences in English. Each card features a si...
Say It! Say It! is a board game designed to help players recognize and memorise English word classes. Each card features a list of words belonging ...
new One photo a thousand words One photo, a thousand words is a collection of 75 photo cards, chosen for reflection and discussion in the classroom but also to improve int...
The quartet game The Quartet Game is an engaging fun card game that helps students to learn useful everyday vocabulary and practise new words. This game all...
What's the weather like? What’s the weather like? is an engaging and entertaining board game which helps players to learn and practise the vocabulary used to descri...
The directions game The Directions Game is a fun board game that helps students to learn how to ask for and give directions. The game allows players to introdu...
Words in Pictures Words in Pictures is a set of 240 illustrated cards and include an instruction booklet with numerous suggestions and interesting teaching t...
English with… Digital games and activities - 1 This new series of activity books is combined with a digital version and helps students to gradually acquire different levels of language:V...
new English with... Digital games and activities - 2 This new series of activity books is combined with a digital version and helps students to gradually acquire different levels of language:V...
new English with... Digital games and activities - 3 This new series of activity books is combined with a digital version and helps students to gradually acquire different levels of language:V...
new Verb draughts Verb Draughts is a game which is inspired by the classic game of Draughts and can be used by players with varying levels of English. There ...
new What is it? What is it? it is a photo cards game which helps students learn new words, describe everyday objects and talk about the materials they are ...
new The idioms game The Idioms Game is a useful card game which helps players discover the meaning of some of the most common Idioms in English. The game aims ...
Who's who? Players take turns to pick a card and formulate questions about the physical appearance of a mystery person. The questions require a Yes or...
The grammar tree The game consists of 132 cards divided into two decks of different colours: 60 blue cards for verb forms and 60 red cards for other grammar...
Let's talk! The game consists of 132 cards with a question and three multiple-choice answers.The cards are subdivided into six categories: superpowers,...
The emotions game The game consists of 132 cards: The emotions game has three game modes: THE EMOTION THERMOMETER WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE…? TELL A STORY
The Story Maker WHAT IS IT?The Story Maker is a fun card game to form sentences and create stories with single illustrated language elements. Characters, a...
Fairy Tales in Games WHAT IS IT?Fairy Tales in Games is an educational and fun game which combines the telling of five traditional fairy tales with learning bas...
Triboo Englisch WHAT IS IT?Triboo is a useful and challenging game based on the exchange of questions and answers, using keywords and clues to guess in the...
Famous people from the english-speaking world WHAT IS IT?Famous People is a useful and fun card game, based on matching illustrated cards with famous English people and their correspond...
Time for Dominoes Un jeu de dominos pour apprendre le lexique et les structures relatifs aux actions quotidiennes, avec la possibilité de conjuguer les verbe...