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Initiation aux langues étrangères

Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Cycle 3
Niveau secondaire 2
Images et paroles est une collection de 240 cartes mémoire, d’un côté l’image de l’autre la mot correspondant écrit en français. Les cartes...
Words in Pictures is a set of 240 illustrated cards and include an instruction booklet with numerous suggestions and interesting teaching t...
A lion trapped in a net and an ant in a puddle.Who will rescue them and so gain a new friend?These are two stories from the Aesop’s Fables ...
These are two of Hans Christian Andersen's mots popular stories. In The Ugly Duckling, the farmyard animals reject a little duck because he...
Martha the mammoth and her prehistoric animal friends are playinghappily together in the wood when Martha discovers ababy woolly rhino call...
Tessa is a very active sabre-toothed tiger! When she finds out there is a tiger birthday party, she is very excited and ready to go straigh...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Le schede illustrate - offrono un supporto visivo per introdurre nuovi vocaboli e forniscono lo stimolo per numerose attività di memorizzaz...
Imágenes y palabras es una colección de 240 fichas ilustradas, cada una de las cuales presenta una imagen por un lado y su respectiva palab...
Offre / Langue