new Music Videos for Grammar Student's Book Captivating songs in audiovisual lessons to make English grammar natural and fun. Music Videos for Grammar is a new approach to learning gr...
new Music Videos for Grammar Teacher's guide Captivating songs in audiovisual lessons to make English grammar natural and fun. Music Videos for Grammar (level A1 and A2) is a new appro...
Best Commercial Practice - Coursebook The Coursebook consists of two parts: World of Business:7 Modules organised in sections: Business in Theory, Business in Practice, Business...
Excellent! - Teacher's Book Extensive teaching notes for each section.Answer keys and transcriptions of listening materials.Tests and extra resources for both stronger...
new The Hound of the Baskervilles - Stage 1 An old family document says that everyone who l ivesat Baskerville Hall is in danger from a terrifying animal which lives on Dartmoor. When...
Listening Acitivites 1 - Photocopiable + Audio CD Each volume presents 30 worksheets with realistic and stimulating situations to be used in a wide variety of activities including comprehen...
new Montessori English Grammar with Folder Montessori English Grammar - Starter is a collection of 35 Montessori inspired materials developed after carefully observing the way childr...
new Montessori English Songs Montessori English Songs is a collection of 6 listening and 6 reading activities, designed to help primary school children improve their li...
new Montessori English Dialogues Montessori English Dialogues - Starter/Beginner is a collection of 20 reading activities, designed to help primary school children improve ...
Montessori English Grammar Beginner Montessori English Grammar – Beginner, Montessori English Speaking & Writing and Montessori English Listening Activities are the newest boo...
Montessori English Speaking and Writing Activities Montessori English Grammar – Beginner, Montessori English Speaking & Writing and Montessori English Listening Activities are the newest boo...
Montessori English Listening Activities Montessori English Grammar – Beginner, Montessori English Speaking & Writing and Montessori English Listening Activities are the newest boo...
English Goals 1 - Pre A1 - Student's Book English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
English Goals 1 - Pre A1 - Workbook English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
English Goals 1 - Pre A1 - Teacher's Book English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
English Goals 2 - A1 - Student's Book English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
English Goals 2 - A1 - Workbook English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
English Goals 2 - A1 - Teacher's Book English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
English Goals 3 - A2 - Student's Book English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
English Goals 3 - A2 - Workbook English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
English Goals 3 - A2 - Teacher's Book English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
English Goals 4 - B1 - Student's Book English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
English Goals 4 - B1 - Workbook English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
English Goals 4 - B1 - Teacher's Book English Goals is an innovative English language course for lower secondary school students (11-15 y/o) in four levels. The syllabus aims to...
Smart Start 1 - Student Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 1 - Activity Book + Audio-CD Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 1 - Teacher's Guide + Audio-CD + DVD Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 1 - Teacher's Digital Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 1 - Flashcards Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 1 - Poster Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Student Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Activity Book + Audio-CD Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Teacher's Guide + Audio- CD + DVD Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Teacher's Digital Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Literacy Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Numeracy Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Flashcards Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 2 - Poster Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Student Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Activity Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Teacher's Guide + Audio-CD + DVD Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Teacher's Digital Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Literacy Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Numeracy Book Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Flashcards Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
Smart Start 3 - Poster Smart Start is designed to nurture the language development of the children whilst also nurturing their emotional, creative, mathematical a...
The Story Garden 1 - Student's & Activity Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.The Story Garden is based on...
The Story Garden 1 - Teacher's Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.The Story Garden is based on...
The Story Garden 2 - Student's & Activity Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.The Story Garden is based on...
The Story Garden 2 - Teacher's Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.The Story Garden is based on...
The Story Garden 3 - Student's & Activity Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.The Story Garden is based on...
The Story Garden 3 - Teacher's Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.The Story Garden is based on...
The Story Garden 4 - Student's & Activity Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.The Story Garden is based on...
The Story Garden 4 - Teacher's Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.The Story Garden is based on...
The Story Garden 5 - Student's & Activity Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.The Story Garden is based on...
The Story Garden 5 - Teacher's Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old. The Story Garden is based o...
new The Story Garden 6 - Student's & Activity Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.The Story Garden is based on...
new The Story Garden 6 - Teacher's Book The Story Garden is a new English language course for primary schools aimed at students from 6 to 11 years old.The Story Garden is based on...
The debate is open! The Debate is open! is a set of 75 cards to use in class for conversation between students at B1 language level. The main aim of this mater...
Five-cards stories Five-card stories is a card game featuring 40 stories, each composed of 5 illustrated cards without text. These are short, funny, and enter...
Full stop Full Stop is a card game designed to help players learn how to construct complete and correct sentences in English. Each card features a si...
Say It! Say It! is a board game designed to help players recognize and memorise English word classes. Each card features a list of words belonging ...
The quartet game The Quartet Game is an engaging fun card game that helps students to learn useful everyday vocabulary and practise new words. This game all...
What's the weather like? What’s the weather like? is an engaging and entertaining board game which helps players to learn and practise the vocabulary used to descri...
The directions game The Directions Game is a fun board game that helps students to learn how to ask for and give directions. The game allows players to introdu...
Words in Pictures Words in Pictures is a set of 240 illustrated cards and include an instruction booklet with numerous suggestions and interesting teaching t...
new One photo a thousand words One photo, a thousand words is a collection of 75 photo cards, chosen for reflection and discussion in the classroom but also to improve int...
English with… Digital games and activities - 1 This new series of activity books is combined with a digital version and helps students to gradually acquire different levels of language:V...
new English with... Digital games and activities - 2 This new series of activity books is combined with a digital version and helps students to gradually acquire different levels of language:V...
new English with... Digital games and activities - 3 This new series of activity books is combined with a digital version and helps students to gradually acquire different levels of language:V...
new Verb draughts Verb Draughts is a game which is inspired by the classic game of Draughts and can be used by players with varying levels of English. There ...
new What is it? What is it? it is a photo cards game which helps students learn new words, describe everyday objects and talk about the materials they are ...
new The idioms game The Idioms Game is a useful card game which helps players discover the meaning of some of the most common Idioms in English. The game aims ...
Who's who? Players take turns to pick a card and formulate questions about the physical appearance of a mystery person. The questions require a Yes or...
The grammar tree The game consists of 132 cards divided into two decks of different colours: 60 blue cards for verb forms and 60 red cards for other grammar...
Let's talk! The game consists of 132 cards with a question and three multiple-choice answers.The cards are subdivided into six categories: superpowers,...
The emotions game The game consists of 132 cards: The emotions game has three game modes: THE EMOTION THERMOMETER WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE…? TELL A STORY
The Story Maker WHAT IS IT?The Story Maker is a fun card game to form sentences and create stories with single illustrated language elements. Characters, a...
Triboo Englisch WHAT IS IT?Triboo is a useful and challenging game based on the exchange of questions and answers, using keywords and clues to guess in the...
Fairy Tales in Games WHAT IS IT?Fairy Tales in Games is an educational and fun game which combines the telling of five traditional fairy tales with learning bas...
Famous people from the english-speaking world WHAT IS IT?Famous People is a useful and fun card game, based on matching illustrated cards with famous English people and their correspond...
Let's act! A collection of photocopiable mini-plays for EFL classes in Upper Primary School and Lower Secondary School. Encourage speaking skills and ...
Let's Role-play! A set of 75 cards, graduated by level to use in role play situations. An essential teaching and learning resource to help promote comprehen...
The Story Musical The Story Musical is a series of stories and tales in English aimed at Primary Schools. The material has been created according to a format...
Time for Dominoes Un jeu de dominos pour apprendre le lexique et les structures relatifs aux actions quotidiennes, avec la possibilité de conjuguer les verbe...
The great Game of Numbers Jeu d'observation et d'association pour mémoriser et s'entraîner avec les nombres cardinaux et ordinaux.
Super Bis English A card game to learn and reinforce the interrogative form of tenses and introduce basic vocabulary.The box contains: 132 playing cards, a t...
Adjektives and Opposites «Adjektive und ihre Gegenteile» ist ein einfaches und sehr unterhaltsames Kartenspiel, bei dem illustrierte Adjektive ihren Gegenteilen zug...
Around the city Around the city is a lively board game based on the observation of illustrations related to the city. Students memorise, learn and develop ...
The Busy Day Domino Learn vocabulary and grammar structures related to everyday actions. The game allows players to use regular and irregular verbs in the pres...
Picture Bingo One player draws and reads out the cards with pictures or verbs in the written form and the other players cover the corresponding box on th...
The Great Verb Game A card game to learn regular and irregular verbs.The box contains:100 playing cards;a teacher’s booklet.
The Busy Day Dominoes Learn vocabulary and grammar structures related to everyday actions. The game allows players to use regular and irregular verbs in the pres...
Roundtrip of Britain and Ireland A game that is a ‘trip’ to Britain and Ireland using questions on History, Geography, culture studies, grammar, vocabulary and idiomatic ex...
Question Chain The game consists of putting together a series of questions and answers. The players must find, in the shortest possible time, the answer t...
Questions and Answers A board game to learn how to use pronouns and interrogative adverbs and to stimulate conversation in English. The box contains:a playing bo...
Let's Party A game of dominos to facilitate, reinforce and to encourage the correct use of the verb forms learnt. This is a domino based game that enco...
My Shopping List A game in which players must try to be the first to buy all the food on their list. The game can also be used as Bingo. The box contains:6...
Preposition Island The game invites you to identify the characters and objects in the illustration so as to develop understanding and encourage the production...
Verb Bingo One player draws and reads out the cards with pictures or verbs in the written form and the other players cover the corresponding box on th...
English Championship Test your knowledge of English and Anglophone countries with this exciting game, which expands the student’s background knowledge not only ...
English Paperchase How well do you know Britain and the English-speaking world? Find out by playing this great new game with its monuments, places, people an...
Pack your Bag The players have to be the first to pack their bag with all the clothes and accessories on their list. Useable also as a bingo-style game, ...
Sentence Maker! This game improve production of sentences using time expressions with the correct use of tenses. Practice vocabulary associated with everyd...
The animal kingdom Animals are a man’s best-friend! With this game we encourage and strengthen learning and the correct use of vocabulary and language structu...
Play for the Planet Let’s play and have a clean world! Choose the correct bin for the rubbish and answer the questions. Play and practise vocabulary related to...
English with Crosswords 1- Kopiervorlagen Each book contains 12 themes, each presenting 20 illustrated vocabulary words, including verbs and adjectives. The new words are then reinf...
Vocabulary Builder 1 Each volume contains 60 worksheets presenting approximately 40 topics and language areas. Students put more than 1000 new words to use in a...
Eli Illustrated Dictionary + online digital book The latest addition to ELI’s renowned series of complementary dictionaries, this volume offers 35 illustrated themed pages to introduce top...
Eli Vocabulary in Pictures + Digital activities online Colourful, up-to-date and easy to use, the ELI Vocabulary in pictures is the ideal tool for learning or revising basic English vocabulary. ...
My First English Picture Dictionary - At School A series of 4 themed picture dictionaries for Primary School children that introduce and practise words through fun activities. Each volume...
Eli Vocabulary in Pictures A1-A2 ELI Vocabulary in Pictures is a new vibrant and user-friendly resource designed to make learning basic English vocabulary engaging and enjo...
English from A to Z - Volume + Audio CD Over 1,000 words presented and practised through illustrations and activities. Vocabulary and topics relate to the various aspects of child...
ELI Picture Dictionary English - updated Edition 43 illustrated themed pages introduce topics such as home, family, school and work as well as general topics such as the environment and as...
Aesop's Fables A lion trapped in a net and an ant in a puddle.Who will rescue them and so gain a new friend?These are two stories from the Aesop’s Fables ...
The Wind in the Willows - Stage 1 Toad is never happy to sit at home and do nothing. He likes adventure and fun. Sometimes things go wrong, but he is a lucky Toad. He has th...
School Detectives an the Bullies - Stage 2 Tony and Kim have got two elderly friends from a local retirement home. They often meet them in the park. One day, the children see two thi...
Uncle Jack and the Forest Fire - Stage 3 Uncle Jack and the children have fun in Australia and help save some koalas from a dangerous forest fire. When Uncle Jack and the children ...
Malala - Stage 3 This is the story, told through the eyes of a young girl from Pakistan, of Malala, a girl from Swat Valley who is famous because she stood ...
Animals and Us - Stage 1 Come on an exciting journey to the rainforests of the Amazon, the Pacific Ocean and warm blue tropical seas, to the Arctic and Antarctic, t...
Baseball Dreams - Stage 2 Madison is a young girl with a big dream - to play for her high school baseball team. Encouraged by her best friend, Sheila, she tries out ...
The Wonders of Waterl - Stage 2 Where does water come from? Why is it so important for every form of life? When does water become dangerous? Why are our seas and oceans in...
Martha and the Woolly Rhino Martha the mammoth and her prehistoric animal friends are playinghappily together in the wood when Martha discovers ababy woolly rhino call...
Hans Christian Andersen's Stories These are two of Hans Christian Andersen's mots popular stories. In The Ugly Duckling, the farmyard animals reject a little duck because he...
Martha and the Tiger Party Tessa is a very active sabre-toothed tiger! When she finds out there is a tiger birthday party, she is very excited and ready to go straigh...
The Fairies Flower - Stage 1 Bluebell and his flower fairy friends lose their habitat. Can Matt and Lucy make them happy again? What do you know about flowers? Where do...
Katie's Happy Holiday - Stage 1 Katie has some very special friends. They are the toys who live in the Land of Forgotten Toys. In this story they invite Katie to go with t...
PB3 and the Bees - Stage 2 PB3 and Robin land on Earth to escape the terrible OOs who are chasing them in another spaceship. They are very surprised to find some beau...
Rumbledumble and the storm - Stage 2 Some children help their parents to learn that, although we are different, we can all help each other. Most of the people in the village do...
The Rocket Book - Stage 2 The rocket brings the families who live on 15 Cherry Drive together and makes them into a community. Can’t miss this reader based on a stor...
The Kid from Kabul - Stage 2 Aarash has to leave his home city of Kabul in Afghanistan and move to England with his mum and younger sister. Will he adapt easily to his ...
Tribal Voices: the Awá - Stage 2 Don’t miss to read Little Butterfly - an Awá teenager girl – story and learn how she spends her daily life in the Amazon Rainforest. The Aw...
The War of the Worlds - Stage 2 This is the story of an English astronome who, in company with others, struggles to survive the invasion of Earth by Martians in 1894. When...
Little Red Riding Hood - Stage 1 Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a village near the forest. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, Little Red ...
The Ant and the Grashopper - Stage 1 It's very hot in summer but the ant works hard. Grasshopper doesn't like working. She prefers singing. But then winter arrives and it's ver...
Sophie's Dream - Stage 1 What would happen if during the night elephants and lions, musicians and entertainers, clowns and ballet dancers came in your little room? ...
Granny Fixit and the Pirate - Stage 1 An action story about Granny Fixit, a sad pirate and a crowd of multi-coloured parrots. When Jill and Ahmed find themselves by magic on a p...
Granny Fixit and the Ball - Stage 1 A hilarious adventure with Granny Fixit, a magic bag and a ball. This is a story about Granny Fixit and a boy who loses his ball. There’s a...
Hooray for the Holidays! - Stage 1 Jack is on his summer holidays. He's at the seaside with his grandma and grandad. Alfie is Jack's dog. He's on holiday too! Follow Jack and...
Granny Fixit and the Yellow String - Stage 1 Ann is ALWAYS losing her things and her teacher is angry. But help is on the way! Granny Fixit and her piece of yellow string solve all her...
Granny Fixit and the Monkey - Stage 1 In this funny adventure in a biopark a monkey takes Granny Fixit's small yellow bag! What does the monkey take out of the bag? And what can...
Aladdin - Stage 1 Aladdin is a poor boy who plays all day long in the streets with his monkey, but something will change his life. Aladdin loves Bulbul but h...
Granny Fixit and the Viking Children - Stage 1 When the children go with their mother to a Viking archaeological site Granny Fixit organises an interesting encounter for them with some V...
Soup Stories - Stage 1 These are two traditional stories around getting the ingredients to make soup. In the first one, retold in a famous version by Aleksey Tols...
Teddy and the Princess - Stage 1 Katie has some special friends, Regazza the doll and Monty the toy mouse. They live in the Land of Forgotten Toys, the place where toys go ...
The Prince and the poor Boy - Stage 1 This story by Mark Twain explores the saying: «The grass is always greener on the other side!» A poor boy and a prince swop places with unf...
Granny Fixit and the Mobile game - Stage 1 Granny Fixit is in the park listening to the birds. How can she distract the children? There are two children, they aren’t enjoying the par...
PB3 and the Vegetables - Stage 2 When Fred helps a friendly extraterrestrial, PB3, and his robot, Robin, to buy Earth fruit and vegetables he doesn't know that some sticky ...
PB3 and the Jacket - Stage 2 Two children, Sue and Ben, dive into the sea and meet PB3 and his robot, Robin. Together they come face to face with the bad OOs from Plane...
PB3 and Coco the Clown - Stage 2 PB3 and his robot are excited to find themselves in a circus! Elephants and jugglers and an acrobat and a clown! They go with Sally to have...
PB3 and the helping hands - Stage 2 PB3 and Robin are happily doing their Earth homework! Little do they suspect that the evil OOs are chasing them! It looks like the end for ...
The Selfish Giant - Stage 2 A Giant lives in a castle with a beautiful garden. But the Giant is selfish and wants it all to himself. He doesn't want the children to pl...
The Fox and the Grapes - Stage 2 Felix is a fox. She's very lazy and never wants to try hard. She's always got an excuse! When she can't do something, Felix blames other th...
the Hare and the Tortoise - Stage 2 Harvey the hare thinks he’s the fastest and the best at everything! But sometimes it's a good idea to be slow and steady. One day Tilly the...
The Giant Rumbledumble - Stage 2 Young readers might well see themselves in the selfish giant, based on Oscar Wilde’s classic, who doesn’t want to share his favourite posse...
Maxi's Adventure - Stage 2 Rumbledumble’s greatest loves are: Anna and the other children, his garden and his little dog Maxi. When Maxi gets lost Rumbledumble and th...
The Legend of Robin Hood - Stage 2 This adventure story tells the beginnings of the legend of Robin Hood, a legend that has fascinated generations of children. It starts when...
The Gingerbred Man - Stage 2 Read about the Gingerbread Man as he runs away from an old woman, an old man, a cow and a horse. No one can catch him! But then he meets a ...
The Wonderful Wizard of OZ - Stage 2 Have you ever met Munchkins or Winkies or monkeys with wings and an all powerful wizard? This is the story of how Dorothy made some wonderf...
PB3 Recycles - Stage 2 When PB3's robot, Robin, stops working, the doctor on Planet P3 tells PB3 to throw her in the rubbish and buy a new robot. There is a needl...
PB3 and the Fish - Stage 2 PB3 and his robot, Robin, are with their Earth friends, Ben and Sue finding out about life at the beach. Suddenly the evil OOs arrive in th...
Pater Pan - Stage 3 The story of a boy who never grew up, with his friends Wendy and the jealous fairy Tinker Bell. Why are there no Lost Girls in Neverland? W...
Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree - Stage 3 A nail biting adventure in the Rwandan rainforest with Uncle Jack, Jim, Daisy and May (and of course Grumpy the dog!). Can they save the li...
Uncle Jack and the Emperor Penguins - Stage 3 In this hilarious story you will learn something about the habits of the Emperor Penguins and follow Uncle Jack and the others in their rac...
Uncle Jack and the Meerkats - Stage 3 When Uncle Jack and the children find some homesick baby meerkats they decide to take them home to the Kalahari Desert. Getting there is ea...
Cinderella - Stage 3 Poor Cinderella! She works all day and her two horrible stepsisters don't help her. One day an invitation arrives from the Prince. But Cind...
The Bremen Town Musicians - Stage 3 This is the story of a donkey who runs away to Bremen to play music in a band. On the road he meets other animals. Who does he meet? On the...
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse - Stage 3 Two mice are friends. Alfred is a town mouse and Jack is a country mouse. One day Alfred visits Jack in the country. Alfred is very surpris...
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Stage 3 Snow White runs away and goes to the forest. She meets seven kind dwarfs. But does the queen find Snow White? Who can save Snow White? Read...
Dr Domuch and the Dinosaur Egg - Stage 3 What would you do if you found a baby dinosaur in your oven? This is what happens to Sally and her brother and sister. Sally and Orry, the ...
Dr Domuch and the Huemuls - Stage 3 Do you know what a huemul is? This story will take you on an adventure from the museum where Dr Domuch works to the land of the huemuls in ...
Five Children and It - Stage 3 Imagine you found a fairy at the bottom of your garden. And imagine the fairy tells you that your wishes will come true! This is what happe...
The Canterville Ghost - Stage 3 Do you believe in ghosts? Well, the Otis family didn't until they met the Canterville Ghost. This is a story of life and death and love … o...
Uncle Jack in the Amazon Rainforest - Stage 3 It is the story of how they team up, with Slowly, the sloth and his friends, helped by Uncle Jack, his daughter Dr. Silver and some Amazon ...
Uncle Jack and the Bear adventure– Stage 3 Join Uncle Jack, Berta and the children on this action-packed adventure and learn something about sharing the world with animals on the way...
Treasure Island - Stage 3 Jim lived with his mother at the Admiral Benbow hotel. One night a stranger came out of the storm. Little did Jim imagine that this was the...
Harriet Holmes and the Portrait – Stage 4 Has Harriet got the detective skills of her father? The portrait of Lord Methody, the founder of Methody School is missing. But who could w...
Gyeong Min Kim: My South Korea - Stage 4 Gyeong Min Kim is a teenager who lives in Korea. He once played his violin in an orchestra but now he only plays for fun. Then one day a fr...
Alice in Wonderland - Stage 4 The classic story of a young girl who falls into a hole, eats and drinks poison and grows bigger and smaller.
The Jungle Book - Stage 4 It is not a funny film for children. People and animals die. And one child kills the great tiger and changes the laws of the jungle.
The secret Passage - Stage 4 Ned is not happy when his parents take him on holiday to a small mountain village – he wants to stay at home and play computer games – but ...
Harry and the Egyptian Tomb - Stage 4 Two police officers, Harry and Emma, are sent to investigate an ancient Egyptian tomb where stolen gold is hidden. Harry is not happy and h...
Hansel and Gretel - Stage 4 Hansel and Gretel are lost in the forest. When they find a house made of sweets, they can't believe their eyes. But the old woman who lives...
Nyangoma's Story - Stage 4 Nyangoma, a twelve-year-old African girl, invites the reader into her world to meet her family and to see what everyday life is like in a r...
The Prince and the Pauper - Stage 4 Two boys are born on the same day, but their lives are very different. Edward Tudor is a prince and Tom Canty is a pauper. One day they dec...
Juanita and her alpaca - Stage 4 Juanita has a dream: she hopes her alpaca will have two little babies, one for her and one for her brother. But usually alpacas only have o...
My Bolivia! - Stage 4 Meet Ricardo, a young boy from Bolivia who wants to tell you about his homeland and what life is like in a small Bolivian village. Then joi...
My Name is Ça Depend - Stage 4 Join Ça Depend, a young boy from the Congo. Discover his country, in the heart of Africa, and the reality around him. Follow his daily jour...
Discover Sri Lanka with Us - Stage 4 Sathya, Isuri and their friends live near Weligama, a town in Sri Lanka. Every morning they go to school, and every afternoon they jump on ...
The Wind and the Sun - Stage 4 Jack is a shepherd. He lives in the mountains with his two best friends, a brown donkey and a white goat. Life is quiet in the mountains bu...
Music in Florence - Stage 4 Join Irene and Camilla in the beautiful Italian city of Florence. There’s lots to see! Read also about how the girls spend their days and a...
Doruk's Cats - Stage 4 Doruk, a ten-year-old Turkish boy, loves cats and wants to have a nice cat. He listens to Aunt Banu’s advice and starts looking for a cat i...
Oliver Twist - Stage 4 This is perhaps the most well-loved story by Charles Dickens. Dickens asked his readers to ‘have a heart that never gets hard’. As readers ...
The Children of the Forests - Stage 4 Do you enjoy walking among the trees and watching for forest animals? Do you know how important forests are for our world and our health? T...
Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Stage 4 Jules Verne was a master of adventure stories. He also wanted children to think about nature. This story asks them to wonder what is under ...
Our Water Our World - Stage 4 How we look after water is something that will greatly affect the future of our Earth and the wellbeing of its inhabitants. This book asks ...
Harry and the Crown - Stage 4 In this amusing story Harry, the reluctant hero, braves robbers and ghosts and armour to triumph in the end (by accident!). Two detectives,...
Harry and an Electrical Problem - Stage 4 In this detective story our reluctant hero Harry has to try to solve some break-ins at the police station. Who is breaking into the police ...
Harry and the sports competition - Stage 4 Harry is the very last person to volunteer for a sport competiton! In this story our reluctant hero braves golf and volleyball to come out ...
Oliver Twist - Stage 1 Oliver Twist is a poor orphan boy. He hasn't got a mum or dad and he lives in a terrible place called the workhouse. One day, he makes the ...
Garpur: My Iceland - Stage 1 Have you ever been to Iceland? Hello! My name’s Garpur, and this is a story about me and my country, Iceland. I suppose you’ve heard someth...
The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn - Stage 1 «We don’t stop at any towns for days and days. We just keep going down the river.» This is the story of Huckleberry Finn and his adventures...
Naoko: My Japan - Stage 2 Have you ever been to Japan? Read the story of Naoko, a Japanese girl and discover all kinds of interesting things about this beautiful cou...
Riri - My South Africa - Stage 2 She’d love to work with them and decides to do a competition to be able to work on a Game Reserve during the holidays. She also has a speci...
The Yellow Sticker Girl - Stage 2 A story of friendship and bulling.Meghan lives with her family in the north of England. Everything is great at home until one day Meghan op...
Allan: My Vancouver - Stage 3 Vancouver is Canada’s gateway to the Pacific Rim. Allan introduces us to the city, his family, and friends. His days are filled with sports...
Robin Hood - Stage 4 Follow Robin Hood's adventures in Sherwood Forest in this easy-tofollow drama version based on the popular legend of Robin Hood. Robin Hood...
Ready for English Débutants de l'école élémentaire 16 pages couleurs, Format : 21 x 29,7 cm, 5 numéros (septembre-juin) La revue a été pensée pour rendre acc...
Ready for English - Teacher's Pack Niveau: Débutants de l'école élémentaire. Un abonnement spécial pour les enseignants est désormais disponible et comprendra un abonnement à...
Let's Start! Niveau élémentaire (A1-A2) 16 pages couleurs, Format : 21 x 29,7 cm, 5 numéros (septembre-juin) Au centre de la revue un dictionnaire illus...
Let's Start! - Teacher's Pack Niveau A1-A2 Un abonnement spécial pour les enseignants est désormais disponible et comprendra un abonnement à un magazine au format papier...
A Tot of English Niveau pré-intermédiaire (A2-B1) 16 pages couleurs, Format : 21 x 29,7 cm, 5 numéros (septembre-juin) Un article-discussion présente le thè...
A Tot of English - Teacher's Pack Niveau A2-B1 Un abonnement spécial pour les enseignants est désormais disponible et comprendra un abonnement à un magazine au format papier...
Start! - Student's Book Start! is designed to help students to prepare for the Pre A1 Starters of the Cambridge English Qualifications. It is written for young lea...
Start! - Teacher's guide Start! is designed to help students to prepare for the Pre A1 Starters of the Cambridge English Qualifications.It is written for young lear...
Move! - Student's Book + Digital Book Move! is part of a fun series of volumes to prepare students for the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners exams.The series c...
Move! - Teacher's guide + Digital Book Move! is designed to help students to prepare for the A1 Movers of the Cambridge English Qualifications.The materials fully address the lea...
Fly! – Student’s Book + Digital Book Fly! is part of a fun series of volumes to prepare students for the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners exams.The series co...
Fly! – Teacher’s guide + Digital Book Fly! is designed to help students to prepare for the A1 Movers of the Cambridge English Qualifications.The materials fully address the lear...
A2 Key for Schools Practice Tests A2 Key for Schools Practice Tests helps students to become familiar with the format, style and question types which are present in the Camb...
Ready for LanguageCert A2 - Student's Edition Ready for LanguageCert Access is designed for students who are preparing for the LanguageCert Access examinations.8 International ESOL (Lis...
Cambridge First Buster - Coursebook 20 topic-based units.Full coverage of the new papers:- Reading and Use of English ( 1 hour 15 minutes)- Writing (1 hour 20 minutes)- Listen...
Cambridge First Buster - Teacher's Book with Answer Key + Audio Transcripts Clear teaching objectives for each of the twenty units.Full answer keys to all activities.Transcriptions of all recorded material.Suggestio...
Cambridge First Buster - Language Maximizer with Practice Tests + CD audio 2 extra Practice Tests and 1 audio CD.
new Ready for Trinity - Coursebook - Grades 1-2 + Audio-CD GESE Grades 3-4 and ISE Foundation covers the levels A1.1 – A1.2 of the CEFRCoursebook + Audio CDSix units for each grade.Cyclic revision a...
new Ready for Trinity - Teacher's Guide - Grades 1-2 Full answer keys to all exercises and activities.Transcripts of all recorded material.Suggestions for further revision activities.
Sing a Song - Activity book with DVD-ROM Eight of the all-time favourite songs for teaching English to young learners made even more fun in the new, digital edition. The full colou...
Sing more Songs - Activity book with DVD-ROM Sixteen of the all-time favourite songs for teaching English to young learners made even more fun in the new, digital edition. The full col...
Active English - Christmas Practical and complete worksheets containing information about traditional holidays and festivals in the English-speaking world, as well as...
Think Global - Course Book 15 Units with materials at two, clearly-labelled levels of difficulty:- For mixed ability classes;- To allow a return to a popular topic wi...
Think Global - Teacher's Book Detailed unit-by-unit teaching notes.Extra background information.Answer keys.Transcripts of all recorded material.30 pages of extra materi...
Think Global - Digital Book All material in digital format.Video and audio materials in a single component.IWB-compatible for fun and motivating ‘heads-up’ moments in ...
new Ready for Planet English - Foundations Student's Book Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English - Foundations Workbook Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English - Foundations Teacher's Book Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English – Elementary Student’s Book Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English – Elementary Workbook Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English – Elementary Teacher’s Book Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English – Pre-intermediate Student’s Book Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English – Pre-intermediate Workbook Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English – Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Book Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English - Intermediate Student’s Book Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English - Intermediate Workbook Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English - Intermediate Teacher’s Book Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English – Upper Intermediate Student’s Book Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English – Upper Intermediate Workbook Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Ready for Planet English – Upper Intermediate Teacher’s Book Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension o...
new Discover B1 Preliminary for Schools - Student's Book & Workbook Discover B1 Preliminary for Schools is a course designed specifically to help students prepare for the revised Cambridge B1 Preliminary for...
new Discover B1 Preliminary for Schools - Teacher's guide Discover B1 Preliminary for Schools is a course designed specifically to help students prepare for the revised Cambridge B1 Preliminary for...
Flash on English - for Marketing & Advertising Flash on English for Marketing &Advertising is specifically designed for those who are studying for a career in business with a strong focu...
Flash on English - for Banking & Finance The book offers finance and banking-related vocabulary, presented in realistic situations, with practice of relevant language structures. F...
Flash on English - for Construction Vocabulary development, skills practice in realistic situations, perfect for a career in the construction industry.FLASH on English for CON...
Flash on English - for Business Conversation This book presents specific business-related vocabulary and language structures, with a focus on the speaking skills needed in different si...
Flash on English - for Nursing Through rich and informative content presented in realistic situations, this text provides students preparing to enter the world of nursing...
Flash on English - for Armed Forces Flash on English for Armed Forces will prove essential to students who wish to start a career in the military or security forces, and to pr...
Flash on English - for Mechanics, Electronics Students training for a career in these sectors will need the ability to access information in detailed service manuals whether hard-copy o...
Flash on English - for Cooking, Catering and Reception Language skills development in situations taken from various areas of the catering and hospitality world: from front-of-house contact with ...
Flash on English - for Commerce Students preparing to enter the world of sales, business administration or finance will benefit from the vocabulary, structures and communi...
Flash on English - for Tourism Specifically designed for students who are studying for a career in the tourism industry. It introduces the vocabulary and the language fun...
Flash on English - for Transport & Logistis Extensive coverage and practice of the basic vocabulary and structures required by anyone preparing for work in logistics. CoursebooksFree-...
Flash on English - Beginner - Student's Book Double linguistic input in each unit: double-page presentations of target language through realistic, graded texts and dialogues.Vocabulary...
Flash on English - Beginner - Workbook + Audio-CD Unit-by-unit grammar reference and further practice to fix target structures.Revision and consolidation activities for listening, reading a...
Flash on English - Beginner - Teacher's Book + Class Audio-CDs + Test and Resources + Multi-ROM Teacher’s GuideIntroduction to the methodology.Extensive unit-by-unit teaching notes.Suggestions for further activities.Teaching techniques...
Best Commercial Practice - Teacher's Book + 2 Class Audio CDs + Testmaker CD-ROM Full teaching notes for each section, answer keys and transcriptions, Tests and Resources.2 Audio CDs.CD-ROM Test-Maker including recording...
Best Commercial Practice - Digital Book All course material available in digital version.Link to detailed online user's guide.
Excellent! - Coursebook The Coursebook is organised in two parts: Theory and Practice of Catering8 Modules covering hospitality, catering, restaurant staff, kitche...
Sprint 1 - Student's Book + Downloadable Digital Book Ten-page units, opening with a Vocabulary presentation and a double language input: narrative texts (articles, blogs, web pages, interviews...
Sprint 1 - Workbook + Audio-CD Six-page units: 2 Vocabulary&Functions pages, 2 Grammar pages, 2 Build your Competences pages.Grammar Reference: final section offering a s...
Sprint 1 - Teacher's Book + 2 Class CDs + Tests & Ressources + Test Maker Multi-ROM Introduction to the course’s methodology.Information on the Common European Framework of Reference and Cambridge English and Trinity certif...
Sprint 1 - 4 Posters Pack Available with Level 1: UK&Ireland, USA, English-Speaking World, Phonemic Chart.
Sprint 2 - Student's Book + Downloadable Digital Book Ten-page units, opening with a Vocabulary presentation and a double language input: narrative texts (articles, blogs, web pages, interviews...
Sprint 2 - Workbook + Audio-CD Six-page units: 2 Vocabulary&Functions pages, 2 Grammar pages, 2 Build your Competences pages.Grammar Reference: final section offering a s...
Sprint 2 - Teacher's Book + 2 Class CDs + Tests & Ressources + Test Maker Multi-ROM Introduction to the course’s methodology.Information on the Common European Framework of Reference and Cambridge English and Trinity certif...
Sprint 3 - Student's Book + Downloadable Digital Book Ten-page units, opening with a Vocabulary presentation and a double language input: narrative texts (articles, blogs, web pages, interviews...
Sprint 3 - Workbook + Audio-CD Six-page units: 2 Vocabulary&Functions pages, 2 Grammar pages, 2 Build your Competences pages.Grammar Reference: final section offering a s...
Sprint 3 - Teacher's Book + 2 Class CDs + Tests & Ressources + Test Maker Multi-ROM Introduction to the course’s methodology.Information on the Common European Framework of Reference and Cambridge English and Trinity certif...
Sprint 4 - Student's Book + Downloadable Digital Book Ten-page units, opening with a Vocabulary presentation and a double language input: narrative texts (articles, blogs, web pages, interviews...
Sprint 4 - Workbook + Audio-CD Six-page units: 2 Vocabulary&Functions pages, 2 Grammar pages, 2 Build your Competences pages.Grammar Reference: final section offering a s...
Sprint 4 - Teacher's Book + 2 Class CDs + Tests & Ressources + Test Maker Multi-ROM Introduction to the course’s methodology.Information on the Common European Framework of Reference and Cambridge English and Trinity certif...
B1 Preliminary for Schools Practice Tests B1 Preliminary for Schools Practice Tests helps students to become familiar with the format, style and question types which are present in ...
new B2 First for Schools Practice Tests B2 First for Schools Practice Tests helps students to become familiar with the format, style and question types which are present in the Ca...
new Discover B2 First for Schools - Student's Book + Workbook Discover B1 Preliminary for Schools is a course designed specifically to help students prepare for the revised Cambridge B1 Preliminary for...
new Discover B2 First for Schools - Teacher's guide Discover B1 Preliminary for Schools is a course designed specifically to help students prepare for the revised Cambridge B1 Preliminary for...
Ready for LanguageCert B1 - Student's Edition Ready for LanguageCert Access is designed for students who are preparing for the LanguageCert Access examinations.8 International ESOL (Lis...
Ready for LanguageCert B2 - Student's Edition Ready for LanguageCert Access is designed for students who are preparing for the LanguageCert Access examinations.8 International ESOL (Lis...
PET Buster - Volume 16 units developing the four language skills.Vocabulary building using topics listed by Cambridge English.Section dedicated to hints and su...
PET Buster - Volume + Audio CD + Answer Key 16 units developing the four language skills.Vocabulary building using topics listed by Cambridge English.Section dedicated to hints and su...
Ready for Trinity - Coursebook - Grades 3-4 + Audio-CD GESE Grades 3-4 and ISE Foundation covers the levels A2.1 – A2.2 of the CEFRCoursebook + Audio CDSix units for each grade.Cyclic revision a...
Ready for Trinity - Coursebook - Grades 5-6 + Audio-CD GESE Grades 5-6 and ISE 1 covers the levels B1.1 – B1.2 of the CEFRCoursebook + Audio CDSix units for each grade.Cyclic revision and reintr...
Ready for Trinity - Teacher's Guide - Grades 3-4 Full answer keys to all exercises and activities.Transcripts of all recorded material.Suggestions for further revision activities.
Ready for Trinity - Teacher's Guide - Grades 5-6 Full answer keys to all exercises and activities.Transcripts of all recorded material.Suggestions for further revision activities.
Freedom is my Dream - Stage 2 Washington Irving, Bram Stoker, Thomas Hardy, D.H. Lawrence, Kate Chopin: five different authors, all from different backgrounds, but with ...
The Valley of Fear - Stage 3 When a gentleman is found murdered in his country manor in Sussex, the great Sherlock Holmes is asked, once again, to help in this complica...
Wonders - Stage 2 Ten breathtaking locations: natural landscapes, ancient mountains, deserts, rivers, frozen lagoons and temples. True Wonders of the world! ...
Changing the World! - Stage 3 The stories of ten people who have changed the world: from protecting world peace and the rights of women and children to saving the enviro...
The Shadow-Line - Stage 3 This novel shows the indecision and unpredictable side of youth compared to the wisdom of maturity. Set in Asia in Victorian times, it is t...
In Search of a Missing Friend - Stage 1 No one knows where Wills has gone – and his best friends, the twins Harry and Camilla – are very worried. Last time they saw him, Wills was...
Anne of Green Gables - Stage 1 One day, in Canada, an eleven year old girl, Anne, arrives at Green Gables. She is going to live with Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, who are...
The Railway Children - Stage 1 Three children go to live in the country. Their house is near a train station. They go there with their mother. But their father isn't ther...
Pollyana - Stage 1 Pollyanna is eleven when she comes to live with her Aunt Polly, after her father dies. Life isn't easy for Pollyanna. Her aunt is a difficu...
The Wind in the Willows - Stage 1 Toad is never happy to sit at home and do nothing. He likes adventure and fun. Sometimes things go wrong, but he is a lucky Toad. He has th...
The Boat Race Mystery - Stage 1 The teams are getting ready. The Oxford – Cambridge Boat Race is only weeks away and Sam's brother is on the team. But what's happening at ...
The Canterbury Tales - Stage 1 In 1387, a group of people went to Canterbury. On their way, they told stories. The stories were exciting and interesting. They helped the ...
Great Friends! - Stage 1 But what do famous friends do when they’re together? Can animals be friends? Which group of friends met on X-Factor? Which two friends were...
Black Beauty - Stage 1 Hello! My name is Black Beauty. And I'm a horse. I have an interesting story to tell you. I want to tell you about my life. My story start...
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Stage 1 This novel tells the story of Hank Morgan, the boss of a factory in late 19th century Connecticut, who awakens to find himself transported ...
A Faraway World - Stage 2 Marquat, born in Cardiff, but with Nigerian parents is an intelligent, inquisitive boy but also sometimes insecure and shy. He hopes to do ...
The Egyptian Souvenir - Stage 2 Sally wants to be a detective and her hobby is solving mysteries. But this time the mystery is really difficult! Read about Sally’s adventu...
The Secret Garden - Stage 2 One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an ...
Treasure Island - Stage 2 After Jim Hawkins finds a map in an old sea chest, he starts an exciting adventure which will take him to a far off island in search of tr...
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Stage 2 Meet Tom Sawyer, a boy with a good heart who’s always in trouble with everyone: at home, in school and in church. With his best friends, Jo...
Adventure at Haydon Island - Stage 2 One summer, city boy Sam stays with his uncle. It's all so different from London! There's a river and boats, and a new friend, Rachel. But ...
Egghead - Stage 2 Hello! My name is Michael, and this is my secret diary. Well, it's not really a secret, because I want you to read it. This is my story, bu...
Little Lord Fauntleroy - Stage 2 In the mid-1880s, young Cedric Errol lives with his mother in New York. They are quite poor after the death of Cedric's father, but live a ...
The Boy with the Red Balloon - Stage 2 It's the summer holidays and Lizzie is excited about going to the beach with her friends. But her parents have other plans for her and she ...
Dot to Dot - Stage 2 Tom visits the house he lived in when he was a little boy, and he finds an old newspaper in the wardrobe. He picks it up, and becomes that ...
Festivals are Fun - Stage 2 Do you want to join us on our A-Z journey around the festivals of Britain? would you like to learn about the biggest dog show in the world?...
Follow your Dreams - Stage 2 Gavin, Max, Rose and Isabel are excited about starting their first year at the Music, Art and Dance Academy of London. They’re all very dif...
Enjoy New York - Stage 2 Come with us on our A-Z journey to one of the most exciting and fun cities in the world. Do you want to know what’s the tallest building in...
Dear Diary... - Stage 2 In this book, you will find the diaries of many different people. Here are writers, artists, musicians, and people with important stories t...
Loving London - Stage 2 London is a city which is full of surprises and there’s always something to see and do in this exciting capital. If you like art or nature,...
Scotland is Magic! - Stage 2 Do you like mystery, legends or haunted castles? Or how about vibrant cities and exciting festivals? Well, you will find all of these and m...
The Tempest - Stage 2 Prospero lives on a strange island with his daughter Miranda. One night, with his magic powers, he makes a storm to bring his brother and t...
Val's Diary - Stage 3 School’s over at last! Summer holidays are here but who wants to spend them in the countryside? Not Val, of course! She hates the country, ...
Destination Karminia - Stage 3 Young professor Peng is looking for archaeology enthusiasts to help her in the search for the lost city of Karminia. Are you ready to fol...
The Call of the Wild - Stage 3 Buck, a happy, quiet dog living in sunny California, is kidnapped and sent north to begin a new hard life as a sled dog during the Klondike...
David Copperfield - Stage 3 David Copperfield looks back on the first twenty-five years of his life. He is only eight years old when his mother, a young pretty widow, ...
Expedition Brazil - Stage 3 Niara, Yoshi and Gunnar are the lucky winners of a trip to Brazil. Follow them while travelling around this country. While making a docume...
Little Women - Stage 3 Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth are the four March sisters, all very different, but always there for each other. With their father away in the Americ...
Robin Hood - Stage 3 The daring and handsome nobleman Robin Hood is forced to live as an outlaw in Sherwood Forest, after the evil Sheriff of Nottingham kills h...
Gulliver's Travel - Stage 1 Gulliver is a doctor on a ship. He travels from England to many places. He meets little people and giants, he meets people from the past an...
Robinson Crusoe - Stage 1 At the age of eighteen, Robinson Crusoe, a young Englishman, leaves his family to see the world. One night, there’s a terrible storm. His s...
A Study in Scarlet - Stage 1 Come and walk the dark streets of London with the great Mr Sherlock Holmes! When Sherlock Holmes gets a letter from the police, he and his ...
Romeo and Juliet - Stage 2 The story of Romeo and Juliet is probably the most famous love story of all time. It is set in mediaeval Verona and follows Romeo, son of t...
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Stage 2 Jekyll is a famous London doctor, but something unusual is happening in his house. Who is his strange young friend? Why does Jekyll like hi...
Great Expectations - Stage 2 Pip is born poor, but one day his life mysteriously changes. He is sent to London to learn to become a gentleman. But who is paying for his...
The Thirty-Nine Steps - Stage 2 Richard Hannay is bored. He is all alone in a big city, and he wants something to happen, anything. One evening, when he gets back home, so...
Dracula - Stage 2 When Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania to meet Count Dracula, he soon realises that he has made a big mistake. What is happening in t...
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Stage 2 Theseus of Athens is looking forward to his wedding to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. But two other young couples are not so happy: Hermi...
Three Men in a Boat - Stage 2 Three friends, George, Harris and J. decide they need a holiday and plan to go on a trip on the river. J. tells the story of that two-week ...
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark - Stage 2 After Hamlet sees his father's ghost, he begins to act in a strange way. He now knows the terrible secret of his father's death and must de...
The Woman in White - Stage 3 After meeting a strange woman one night in London, Walter Hartright begins to realise that this mysterious woman is connected, in some way,...
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Stage 3 Late nineteenth-century London: a city of contrasts. Great wealth and terrible poverty, beauty and ugliness, purity and immorality. Oscar W...
The Age of Innocence - Stage 3 Newland Archer, heir to one of New York City’s best families, is planning a proper marriage, a perfect product of New York society. One nig...
Pride and Prejudice - Stage 3 Mrs Bennet has five daughters and they are all unmarried. When rich, single Mr Bingley comes to live in the area, she is sure that he will ...
Jane Eyre - Stage 3 Jane Eyre is an orphan, and all alone in the world. But she is no ordinary young woman; despite her lonely and unhappy childhood, she is de...
Macbeth - Stage 3 Macbeth is a brave general, loyal to King Duncan and to Scotland. Until, that is, he meets three evil witches after a battle against King D...
The Portrait of a Lady - Stage 3 One sleepy summer, an American woman arrives in England, and wakes everybody up. Isabel Archer is an interesting woman. Everybody thinks so...
A Christmas Carol - Stage 3 Ebenezer Scrooge loves only one thing – money. He has no friends, doesn’t like his family and never helps anyone. But when Jacob Marley, wh...
Beowulf - Stage 3 This epic poem tells the story of Beowulf, a warrior who becomes famous by helping Hrothgar, King of the Danes. Beowulf kills first Grendel...
Kidnapped - Stage 3 Kidnapped is an adventure story set in Scotland in the 18th century about a young man, David Balfour. After his father dies, David leaves h...
Tess of the D'ubervilles - Stage 3 The story, set in a poor rural area of England in the 19th century, centres around Tess Durbeyfield, a sweet, innocent, country girl who is...
The Earthkeepers - Stage 3 When five young people in Berlin receive a mystery invitation, they begin an adventure that takes them to Greenland, Rwanda, South Africa a...
Sense and Sensibility - Stage 3 Elinor is careful but Marianne is not. They both meet the man of their dreams, but will they find true happiness? Sense and Sensibility is ...
Tales from Shakespeare - Stage 4 This edition includes seven of Shakespeare’s plays: As You Like It, The Merchant of Venice, The Tempest, Twelfth Night, Macbeth, Much Ado A...
A Tale of Two Cities - Stage 4 Set in Paris and London at the time of the French Revolution, this is the story of two men, Frenchman, Charles Darnay, and Englishman, Sydn...
Frankenstein - Stage 4 Victor Frankenstein is a young, ambitious scientist who wants to make a better world, but does not understand the consequences of his work....
The Turn of the Screw - Stage 4 A young woman starts her first job as a governess in charge of two young orphans, Miles and Flora, at a country house called Bly. The child...
Dubliners - Stage 4 An ambitious mother, a boy in love, a lonely older man, a cynical intellectual and a girl who dreams of a life in another country are just ...
Stories of Mystery and Suspense - Stage 4 In this reader you will find nine of Edgar Allan Poe's most famous stories of mystery and suspense. They range from Gothic historical stori...
Wuthering Heights - Stage 4 Cathy’s life is changed forever when her father brings home an abandoned child he names Heathcliff. As Cathy and Heathcliff grow up, their ...
Moby Dick - Stage 4 Ismael, a young sailor, tells this classic American tale of the gigantic white whale and his obsessed hunter, Captain Ahab. Start your jour...
The Mill on the Floss - Stage 4 Maggie is a curious girl. She asks many questions. And she wants some answers. What do people mean when they say she is too intelligent? Wh...
Emma - Stage 4 Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, rich, intelligent and a snob. She says she will never marry, but loves matchmaking and is determined to find a...
The Scarlett Letter - Stage 4 Hester Prynne must wear a scarlet letter “A” because she is an adulteress. She lives a simple life with her daughter, Pearl but the evil, o...
A Passage to India - Stage 4 The book is set in the 1920’s in India and is a story of Dr. Aziz, an Indian doctor, his friend Mr. Fielding, a British professor and two B...
The Great Gatsby - Stage 5 “Gatsby?” asked Daisy urgently. “What Gatsby?” Could it be the same young army lieutenant whom Daisy Fay met five years ago – and who owns ...
Mrs Dalloway - Stage 5 London 1923. The First World War has been over for five years, but the effects are still being felt all round the metropolis. A ocialite an...
Vanity Fair - Stage 5 «Vanity Fair» was written 200 years ago, but it is a thoroughly modern story that provides us with universal truths about what it means to ...
Heart of Darkness - Stage 6 Marlow, a man who has spent his life at sea, tells the story of a journey up the River Congo which changed his life. His journey upriver to...
A Collection of First World War Poetry - Stage 6 This collection reflects the wide variety of poems written, in the English language, about The War that Will End War (H.G. Wells, 1914). Th...
Dreamers - Book + Audio CD Photocopiable worksheets to convey value-based content within the context of English language teaching.Units based around an original song ...
Grammar Trainer - Grammar Activities - Beginners Grammar Trainer is a 3-level series of photocopiable materials organised according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) whi...
Language Trainer 1 A series of 2 books of photocopiable materials complete with Audio CD for development and consolidation of the four language skills. For cl...
Grammar Plus + Audio CD - A1 Exercise Book + Audio CDClear and easy-to-follow structure: explanations, examples, exercises.Exercises in order of increasing difficulty: ...
Grammar Plus + Audio CD - A2 Exercise Book + Audio CDClear and easy-to-follow structure: explanations, examples, exercises.Exercises in order of increasing difficulty: ...
Grammar Plus + Audio CD - B1 Exercise Book + Audio CDClear and easy-to-follow structure: explanations, examples, exercises.Exercises in order of increasing difficulty: ...
Grammar Plus + Audio CD - B2 Exercise Book + Audio CDClear and easy-to-follow structure: explanations, examples, exercises.Exercises in order of increasing difficulty: ...
Photocards - Eli 75 photographic Photo Cards created to stimulate discussion in class with students from intermediate to advanced level.Photo on front of ca...
Crossing Cultures - Teacher's guide Teacher's BookTeaching objectives and flexible plans for each lesson.Full key to all activities and transcripts of all recorded material.Su...
Crossing Cultures - Volume + Audio CD Student’s Book 50 lessons organised in 5 macro areas: Education; People &Lifestyles; Sport &Leisure; History &Traditions; The World We Live...
Kid Niveau intermédiaire (B1-B2) 16 pages couleurs, Format : 21 x 29,7 cm, 5 numéros (septembre-juin) La revue est riche d'articles d'actualité...
Kid - Teacher's Pack Niveau B1-B2 Un abonnement spécial pour les enseignants est désormais disponible et comprendra un abonnement à un magazine au format papier...
Teen Niveau intermédiaire / avancé (B2-C1) 16 pages couleurs, Format : 21 x 29,7 cm, 5 numéros (septembre-juin) Une revue qui plaira vraiment au...
Teen - Teacher's Pack Niveau B2-C1 Un abonnement spécial pour les enseignants est désormais disponible et comprendra un abonnement à un magazine au format papier...